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Trademark Design | Corporate & Brand Identity | Future thinking brand development group
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Sixth Sense

Sixth Sense is challenging Impulse for the teenage body spray market. Toiletries to drinks giant Beecham is challenging Elida-Gibbs' Impulse in the £24m [pounds] body spray market, with the launch of a brand called Sixth Sense. The brand will be aimed at teenagers, who Beecham claims account for almost a third of all body spray purchasers. It will be pushed with an £800,000 [pounds] press and radio advertising campaign. The body spray market has long been ruled by Unilever subsidiary Elida-Gibbs' Impulse brand, with 65.8% market share. Client initially requested a new fragrance varient for Body Mist. Trademark Design responded with the strategy to create a new brand and nomenclature aimed at the teenage market. After the first launch we learnt that the market was wanting more and more new ideas, so we gave it to them. In all, we launched 3 totally different ideas, changing the visual language each time and growing the brand to number 2 in the market.

Sixth SenseSixth Sense
Sixth Sense